Vijnana Yoga

Vijnana Yoga is a holistic approach to yoga that emphasizes self-awareness and inner wisdom. “Vijnana” translates to “knowledge” or “discernment” in Sanskrit, and this form of yoga aims to cultivate a deep understanding of one’s body, mind, and spirit through a combination of physical postures (asanas), breathwork (pranayama), meditation, and self-reflection.

At the core of Vijnana Yoga is the idea of ‘practicing from the inside out,’ which means that practitioners are encouraged to explore and connect with their inner experiences while engaging in yoga poses and movements. This involves focusing on the subtle sensations within the body, observing the breath, and developing a heightened sense of awareness.

The practice often begins with centering techniques to quiet the mind and bring attention to the present moment. From there, students move through a sequence of asanas, paying close attention. Each movement is done with mindfulness and intention, allowing practitioners to deepen their connection to themselves and the practice.

Vijnana yoga is practiced in a simple and precise way, this precision gives a kind of container for the subtleties of it, also incorporates the concept of ’embodied wisdom,’ which involves listening to the body’s innate intelligence and responding with compassion and awareness. Through regular practice, students develop greater self-awareness, physical strength, flexibility, and emotional resilience.

Vijnana Yoga has been given shape by Orit Sen Gutpa, she trained in the 80´s with teachers like Patabhi Jois and Iyengar.

There are 7 principles.

Meditation and the Vayus play an important role in the practice.

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